
My First Google Adsense Check

This was the time I received my first Google Adsense check. The thing is, Google only sends out the check if your account reaches a minimum amount of $100.

Google AdSense is a program in which webmasters can display Google advertisements on their Web sites and earn revenue from hits that are generated from web visitors through normal traffic or the Google search engines. Google AdSense represents businesses of all sizes worldwide in multiple languages. AdSense is a refinement and expansion of the concept behind banner-ad sharing arrangements that have been in use for years.

This is a very good opportunity for webmasters to earn revenues for your websites. You can easily install the ads into your website. And also, Google reviews ads using language filters and professional linguists to prevent the display of inappropriate text or content and to ensure that all material conforms to professional editorial and ethical standards. Competitive advertisements can be blocked and default ads can be created or selected.

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