
Should I bother getting my blog designed?

We all know design counts. Packaging makes a difference. So why are so many bloggers packaging truffles as though they were no-name baked beans?

I’m a huge promoter of blogging for business. But only under appropriate conditions. Blogs can have a huge impact on a brand That impact can be negative.

This is especially true of the hundreds of blog experts who are popping up all over the place. Don’t they realize how poorly their messages come across? How can you be an expert when you’re ignoring one of the prime rules: packaging sells. All the marketing and PR knowledge in the world isn’t going to help you if we pass over your content.

I agree wholeheartedly with his comments.

The funny thing is, some of the blogs I go back to reading time and time again have awful designs. In fact, so awful that I’m only still reading them thanks to the wonders of feed readers. I wonder how many others stop reading or are put off because of the poor design.

On the other hand, all the beautiful designs in the world aren’t enough to redeem your blog if you just don’t write anything of interest, or substance or originality ever. It’s about a combination of the two. Does your blog’s design reflect the type of image you’re wanting to portray in your content? Design matters and so does content.

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